Understanding Your Options: Penile Implant Concerns FAQ

Penile implant surgery can sound daunting, but at Urologist Houston , we're here to help put your mind at ease. With expert insights from our very own renowned urologist, Dr. Robert Cornell, we'll walk you through what penile implant surgery entails and address some of the most common questions and concerns. So, take a deep breath and let us guide you through understanding this life-changing procedure.

We know that surgery, especially in such a personal area, can be nerve-wracking. That's why we're dedicated to providing you with Information that's easy to understand and that can help you make well-informed decisions. Let's dive into some FAQs to ease those anxieties!

If you have more questions or want to start your journey towards taking back control of your intimate health, you can easily reach out to us. Giving us a ring is painless just call (281) 607-5212 to connect with our friendly team.

A penile implant is a device placed inside the penis during surgery. It's used to help men with erectile dysfunction (ED) achieve and maintain an erection. This could be your stepping stone to a more fulfilling sexual life. Essentially, this device becomes a part of you so that you can get back to being yourself.

These implants come in different types, but the most common kind is inflatable, which lets you control when and how long you have an erection. It's all discreetly controlled, without anyone knowing.

ED can be a tough battle and sometimes, pills or other treatments just don't cut it. A penile implant offers a permanent solution to ED, which is why many choose it. It's a hidden device that only you know is there, providing you with reliability and spontaneity in your intimate moments.

With a success rate that's through the roof, it's no wonder that many find penile implants to be a game-changer. But the best part? The satisfaction levels among men with implants and their partners are sky-high!

As with any surgery, there are risks, but they're pretty rare. Dr. Robert Cornell and our top-notch medical team take all the necessary precautions to minimize risks. We follow a meticulously crafted protocol to ensure your safety and the best possible outcome.

The possible risks include infection, but with the use of high-quality materials and advanced surgical techniques, these occurrences remain low. We'll discuss all this and more, providing a comprehensive run-down during your consultation.

We get it - there are some pretty wild myths out there about penile implants. But we're here to set the record straight. Penile implant surgery has come a long way, and it's our job to debunk these misconceptions so you can make informed choices without any unwarranted fears.

Below, we'll unearth the truths hidden behind common misconceptions. Remember, we're just a phone call away if you have any questions. Dial our number (281) 607-5212, and let's clear up any confusion together!

Reality check! Modern penile implants are so well-designed that they are not noticeable when you're clothed. Even when naked, they're quite discreet. So, you can keep this personal business private, and nobody will be any wiser.

Today's implants are about feeling natural in every sense. Whether you're just walking down the street or getting intimate, no one needs to know unless you choose to tell them.

Age is just a number, especially when it comes to penile implants. While ED is more common in older men, younger men can experience it too. We've seen men of all ages come through our doors, and if an implant is the best solution, age isn't a barrier.

Your health, well-being, and quality of life are our utmost priorities whether you're 40 or 90, we treat you with the same dignity and care.

Let's slice through this myth. Recovery from penile implant surgery usually takes around 4-6 weeks. Most men can return to their normal, non-strenuous activities within a few days post-surgery. Sure, you'll have to abstain from sexual activity for a little while, but think about the long-term gains!

Dr. Robert Cornell and our team will provide you with a tailored recovery plan and all the support you need to get back in the game as smoothly and swiftly as possible.

Now let's get the real lowdown on what happens during the procedure. It's not everyday surgery, so it's natural to be curious even a bit anxious about the nitty-gritty details. We're here to give you the full scoop.

We promise it's not as complex as it sounds, and knowing what to expect can help ease those pre-surgery jitters. So, let's unravel the process step by step.

Preparation is key, folks. You'll meet with Dr. Robert Cornell to discuss your medical history, do some necessary tests, and set your surgery date. This is your chance to ask any and all questions nothing is off-limits. We believe informed patients are happy patients.

You'll receive specific instructions on what to do before your surgery like fasting and which medications to avoid. Our team will guide you every step of the way.

Surgery day is where the magic happens. You'll be under anesthesia, feeling no pain. Society doesn't lie - you'll simply take a nap, and we do the rest. Dr. Robert Cornell and our surgical team will insert the implant through an incision in the penis or scrotum.

The procedure takes a couple of hours, and we use the latest techniques to ensure everything goes smoothly. Before you know it, you'll be waking up to start a new chapter in your life.

Congrats, you did it! As you wake up, our caring staff will be there to ensure you're comfortable and to help you with your initial recovery. Pain is usually minimal, but we'll manage any discomfort with medication.

We'll give you all the information about post-op care, like how to care for your incision. And don't worry we won't send you home until you're ready. Plus, we're only a call away at (281) 607-5212 if you have questions as you recover.

The decision to get a penile implant is no small feat. We get that. And that's why we at Urologist Houston are dedicated to making this journey as smooth and stress-free as possible. Our support system is robust, and we're here to cheer you on from start to finish.

The power of restored intimacy can be transformative. We witness it every day, and it's the reason we do what we do. So, let's talk about that beautiful support system waiting for you.

It all starts with a heart-to-heart with Dr. Robert Cornell. We want to hear your story, understand your needs, and make sure you're a good candidate for the surgery. This is a judgment-free zone, and your concerns are valid here.

You'll walk away with a clear plan if you decide to go ahead with the procedure. And the best part? You'll feel heard.

We're not the type to just wave goodbye after surgery. Oh no, we've got your back during the entire recovery process. From detailed instructions on how to care for your implant to follow-up appointments, we ensure you're healing nicely.

Your peace of mind is our priority. Thus, should you have any concerns, we're just a phone call away. Dr. Robert Cornell and the team are all ears and ready to provide you with the care you need.

Knowledge is empowering, and we want you to feel in control of your health. We'll educate you thoroughly about your implant how to use it, what to expect, and how to ensure its longevity.

Our duty is to set you up for years of happiness and satisfaction. And with the right care, these implants can last a really long time.

If you've made it this far, you're probably feeling a lot more informed about penile implant surgery. It's natural for anxieties to surface, but knowledge is a powerful tool in easing those worries. At Urologist Houston , it's our pleasure to guide you through each stage of considering, receiving, and living with a penile implant.

Your quality of life matters, and so does your sexual health. Don't let ED hold you back from experiencing all the joys life has to offer. Whether you're ready to take that next step or still have a sea of questions, we're here to help!

Reaching out is easy. Give (281) 607-5212 a call and let's schedule your consultation with Dr. Robert Cornell. We're looking forward to being a part of your journey towards renewed confidence and intimacy. Remember, this call could be the leap to a new life. So don't hesitate, make that bold move today!